Baby Nap Questions

Baby nap questions

Image Credit: The Nest Community

Naps are an important part of baby sleep training, especially as infants get old enough to stay awake hours at a time. Finding the appropriate nap schedule for your baby can be challenging. This guide should get you started.

How Many Naps Should My Baby Take?
How Do I Get My Baby to Nap?
Why Won’t My Baby Nap?
Can I Wake My Baby From His/Her Nap?
Where Should Baby Nap?

How Many Naps Should My Baby Take?

Baby nap schedules can vary substantially, but the number and length of them are dependent largely on your baby’s age. Here’s a breakdown of typical number of naps baby age. Note, these are adjusted ages, meaning the time that’s passed since your baby’s original due date. If your baby was born before his or her due date, adjust his or her age down.

Baby Age Daytime Naps
Newborn to 2 months 4-5 naps
2 to 4 months 3 naps
4 to 6 months 2-3 naps
6 to 9 months 2 naps
9 to 12 months 2 naps
12 to 18 months 1-2 naps
18 to 24 months 1 nap
Source: Our pediatrician and Parents magazine.

As you’re probably already aware, newborns take 4-5 naps a day, which is a mathematical way of saying that they eat, sleep, and poop in 3- to 4-hour cycles around the clock. Yes, even at night. Sometime between the ages of 2-4 months, your baby will likely begin staying awake for longer periods of time, and you might go down to 3 naps of 2-3 hours each with a longer stretch at night. See our baby sleep chart for more details.

Baby Nap Schedule

By the age of 6 months, your baby will probably move to 2 naps per day: one in the late morning, and one in the afternoon. This classic schedule will continue for about a year. The timing and length of the naps depends a little bit on your daily schedule – I find that my boys are ready for their morning nap about 2 or 2.5 hours after waking up. For us, that’s around 10:00 in the morning. They sleep about an hour and a half to two hours and wake up for lunch. Then they play until mid-afternoon, and take a slightly longer nap (2-3 hours) in the late afternoon. You might adapt this schedule to fit your baby’s preferences, which will become clear over time.

How Do I Get My Baby to Nap?

At the newborn stage, this is easy: just change your newborn’s diaper, feed, and then burp. They pretty much go to sleep on their own. As your baby grows, however, he or she will have more control over wakefulness and an ever-more-piercing cry. Here are some steps you can take that will help your baby nap when it’s time to.

  1. Set a schedule. Napping works best when you follow a routine each day, including when your baby wakes, eats, and goes down for naps. For us, that’s waking up (diaper change), having breakfast, playing for an hour, then bottle (diaper change) and bed. The daily routine should have a sort of rhythm to it; with success, your baby will expect to sleep when nap time approaches.
  2. Watch for drowsiness. When your baby’s physically ready for sleep, you’ll probably see the signs: rubbing or closing eyes, putting his or her head down, and often general fussiness. This is the best time to put your baby down, especially if it matches up with your schedule. Don’t wait until your baby is over-tired! When he’s ready, he’s ready.
  3. Feed and burp. Feeding and burping should probably be part of the ritual. Breast milk is best, but warm formula or whole milk (when your baby is old enough) have the same effect. Not only do they nourish, but they have components that actual help your baby sleep – that’s why warm milk is a “home remedy” for insomnia in adults. A satisfied belly is a must for your baby to fall asleep.
  4. Make your baby comfy-cozy. You should dress your baby for bed, if not in pajamas, then at least in soft, nonrestrictive clothing. A sleep sack or sleeping bag over a onesie is a great combo, offering the right amount of warmth, freedom, and comfort. Sleep sacks are a good “bedtime signal” and have the added bonus of making it harder for your baby to roll.
  5. Set the stage. If you want your baby to take napping seriously, treat it like they’re going to bed for the night. Lights out, shades drawn, and soothing white noise (see our reviews of baby crib mobiles or sound machines).

Why Won’t My Baby Nap??

Sometimes babies will fight their naps, either consistently or on occasion. Part of me wants to tell you, “Hey, babies don’t always do what you want.” But if it’s a consistent issue then something might be wrong. First, you should consider if you’re putting your baby down for too many naps for his or her age (see the table above). Next, check the diaper, and make sure that your little one’s belly is full. If you’d like detailed help, see our article on Why Baby Won’t Sleep.

Should I Wake My Baby From His/Her Nap?

Many times you’ve probably heard the old adage: Never wake a sleeping baby. I understand the idea behind this, but don’t entirely agree. Sometimes you need to wake your baby to keep him or her on schedule (with regard to feeding and napping in particular). There are exceptions to this, such as if your baby is sick (they need more sleep) or if you’re letting your little one get a bit more sleep because the rest of the day’s schedule will already be disrupted by something else, i.e. a road trip.

Otherwise, sure, don’t be afraid to wake your baby when nap time has gone on too long. In fact, keeping naps to a reasonable length is one strategy we’ve used when one or both of our babies start waking up too early in the morning (more than an hour before usual time). It seems like we were letting them nap a bit too long, especially in the afternoon. Curtailing this nap to an hour and a half helped our boys fall asleep at bedtime (without any crying) and sleep a little bit more past sunrise.

Where Should Baby Nap?

The safest place for your baby to sleep is the crib, and this holds true for naps as well as overnights. Putting your baby in the crib is also an important signal that it’s nap time, as opposed to play time. On the other hand, if you’ll be watching your baby closely during the day, I’m not opposed to letting him or her nap in a stroller, swing, or bouncer if it’s more convenient. Still, if you use the crib every time, you’ll probably be able to get your little one to sleep more consistently.

If you need help, see our article on getting baby to sleep in the crib.

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Gassy Baby Won’t Sleep

gassy baby won't sleepGas and digestion problems are one of the most common causes of baby sleep problems. This is especially true for infants, whose digestive systems are often not fully mature. Two things contribute to baby gas (according to WebMD):

  1. Swallowed air, which usually happens during feeding.
  2. The normal breakdown of digested food.

If your baby fusses briefly and you suspect gas, it’s probably not something to worry about. There will be gas, and it’s not always preventable.

You should be concerned, however, if the discomfort is persistent or if the gas causes baby sleep problems. If that happens, here are some strategies you can use to help your gassy baby.

Help Your Baby with Gas

These are steps that you, as a parent or caretaker, can take to help reduce the amount of gas your baby gets (or keeps) in his or her tummy.

dr brown's bottle for gas

Dr. Brown’s bottle

Try A Different Bottle

Much of the gas your baby ingests is during feeding, especially bottle-feeding. There are many product lines designed to address this specific problem; perhaps the most famous of these is the Dr. Brown’s bottle, which (although expensive and a bit tedious to wash all the pieces) has a unique design, backed by numerous patents, for reducing the amount of air that your baby gets while drinking.

Burp Early, Burp Often

One falsehood about feeding infants that we quickly disavowed was the tradition of feeding the baby a bottle in entirety, and then burping. You see enough spit-ups, and you start to appreciate the fact that babies need burping regularly during feeding. We started pausing 1/3 or 1/2 of the way through the bottle — or if the little guy suddenly slowed down — to try and get a burp.

Alternative Burping Techniques

After feeding, getting that big bubble out is super important. Most of the time, your standard baby-on-the-shoulder back pats will do the job, but sometimes you get nothing. Don’t give up! Here are some alternatives that might get the bubbles out:

  • Rubbing your baby’s back instead of patting, especially in a down-to-up motion
  • Different burping positions, like sitting up or the football hold.
  • Playing “bicycle” with baby’s legs (while she’s on her back).
  • Holding the baby upright (and securely) and walking up and down stairs.

Get that burp out any way you can! Sometimes you might take a break of 10-15 minutes, let the baby play or rest, and then try again. You’d be surprised how often this works! See also our article on how to burp a baby.

Tummy Time

Putting your infant on his or her belly (tummy time) is a bit of a gamble in the first few months, as this can encourage spit-ups. After 3 months, however, your pediatrician may encourage you to spend some “tummy time” each day where your baby practices pushing up while laying prone. It’s good strength training and an opportunity to get a burp out, as the pressure on the abdomen can be very helpful. A boppy pillow is useful to provide a soft place and give your little one some extra leverage.

Baby Gas Relief Treatments

baby gas relief dropsIf your baby struggles with gas and/or reflux as ours did, there are some other options. “Treatments” is probably too strong of a word for these; they’re more like supplements that may or may not provide some relief. We have experience with two of the most widely used ones, and so will mention them here.

  1. Gas relief drops such as Mylicon contain simethicone, which our pediatrician described as a kind of soap that helps bubbles merge together so you can burp them out. You should ask your pediatrician and follow the directions. You should also be aware that your baby might not like the taste or smell of this stuff. Mixing it into half a bottle of milk seems to help mask the taste.
  2. Gripe water is an herbal product that a number of parents swear by. I have to admit that our extra-fussy twin boy did seem far more mellow after eating when we gave him some of this. There’s undoubtedly a soothing effect and I believe the ingredients are all natural. The only down side is that this stuff can be a tad expensive, so order it online or look for it on sale.

Gentler Infant Formula for Gas

gentle formula for baby gas

Gentle formula for less gas

If you’re supplementing or feeding exclusively with infant formula, there are a couple of options to consider. Most of the big formula-makers now offer a “gentle” version of their product, which purports to reduce digestive discomfort and/or fussiness. We switched to this for our twins and it did seem to help.

A note of caution: the main ingredient of standard infant formula is powdered milk, but the main ingredient of most “gentle” formula is often high fructose corn syrup. This might not be a huge deal, as infants do need a lot of calories. But once our boys grew out of their reflux/spit-ups, we switched back to regular formula. It just seemed like a good idea, as there’s plenty of high-fructose corn syrup in store for children later in life.

There are some alternative infant formula products, such as soy-based formula, that might help your little one as well. Get a little canister to start, and if they like it, buy big! Of course, you should run this by the pediatrician first.

Best Baby Sleep Movement Monitors

baby movement monitor reviewsAll three of our children went to the NICU, which is at once a terrifying and comforting experience. Terrifying, because it’s the NICU and your newborn needs intensive care or monitoring. Comforting, because of the high-tech vital status monitors, trained nurses, and pediatricians. Our twins spent a couple of weeks there, and came home with portable (rented) heart/lung monitors.

Even so, we liked the idea of a machine that monitors baby vital signs — especially while sleeping — these medical-grade devices were bulky and far too expensive to buy. Fortunately, there’s another option: high-tech baby sleep movement monitors that you can buy and use in the home. There are actually several options for these, but two of them really stand out, and we review them in detail here.

Snuza Halo Movement Monitor

snuza movement monitor
snuza movement monitor


  • Detects irregularity or pauses in baby’s breathing.
  • Ergonomically designed to fit comfortably on baby’s diaper
  • Vibrates to stimulate baby after 15 seconds of no movement
  • Sounds audible alarm if no movement after 5 more seconds


Snuza Movement Monitor Reviews

The Snuza Halo movement monitor was really the inspiration for this review, once we learned about it. This portable monitor clips to your baby’s diaper, where it monitors breathing for any irregularity. If no movement (breath) is detected for 15 seconds, it vibrates to stimulate the infant. If there’s still no movement after 5 seconds, an audible alarm sounds to alert you.

What’s nice about this movement monitor is that it’s portable and unobtrusive, and it’s arguably more sensitive for under-the-mattress sensors (especially if you have two twins in a crib). If you have any doubt of whether or not you’ll love this product, just read the first two customer reviews.

Buy this movement monitor Now

Angelcare Baby Movement and Sound Monitor

angelcare movement monitor


  • Complete sound and movement monitor for nursery
  • 2 under-mattress sensors and 2 parent receivers
  • Nursery unit has a night light and room thermometer
  • Ships in frustration-free packaging.


Snuza Movement Monitor Reviews

Another great option for monitoring is the Angelcare Baby Movement and Sound Monitor. This set includes two under-the-mattress movement sensors and a nursery sound unit with thermometer and night light. There are two parent handheld receivers, each with its own charging base.

The sensor pads detect the slightest baby movements, and you have the option of turning on an audible “movement monitor” that tics softly whenever movement is detected. That’s a steady sound of comfort for mom and dad!
Buy this movement monitor Now

Why Baby Movement Monitors?

Maybe you’re still on the fence about whether or not to invest in a baby movement monitor for your infant. We think you should buy one right now, and here are three reasons why:

  1. Extra safety. Sound and video baby monitors are wonderful tools to monitor your sleeping infant, but a movement monitor is closer and more direct. Unlike other sensors, it alerts you when something’s not happening but should be. That just covers an extra bit of sleep safety for your little one.
  2. Peace of mind. As parents of three children, we know how hard it is to sleep those first few months. You’re hyper-paranoid that something will happen to your infant, and that’s perfectly normal. The thought that you have a high-tech device helping monitor your child is a huge comfort… it’ll help you sleep better knowing your little one is safe.
  3. A small price to pay. These movement monitors are what, a hundred bucks? That’s a tiny sum compared to the amount you probably paid in hospital bills and baby furniture. I’d argue that for what it gets you, the cost of a baby movement monitor is well worth it!

Formula and Baby Food Reviews

Formula and baby food reviewsWhen it comes to formula and baby food, there are a lot of choices out there. You have some important decisions to make, because what you feed your baby will have a profound impact on his or her health and well-being. Thus, we’ve brought together all of the reviews you need in one place.
Why Buy Baby Food Online?
Infant Formula Reviews
Baby Cereal Reviews
Solid Baby Food Reviews

Why Buy Formula and Food Online?

Many parents buy their infant formula and/or baby food in a brick-and-mortar store and are quite happy with it. It can be convenient to pick up a few things while grocery shopping, you get them home right away, and you know exactly where everything came from. That said, there are some advantages to shopping for formula and baby food online:

  1. Lower prices. Often you can buy in bulk online and find competitive prices. You avoid sales tax in many situations, and often you can get free shipping. All that translates to saved money, which will make a difference in the long run.
  2. Better selection. One of the main reasons I shop online is to get a better selection. Sure, you’ll probably find Enfamil or Similac in the store, and they’ll have what seems like a good selection of baby foods, but that pales compared to what you can find online. This is especially true if you’re after organic baby foods.
  3. Fast shipping. You do have to plan in advance a bit when you buy baby food online, but the shipping can be very speedy. Especially if you’re on Amazon Prime as we are — often things we order in the afternoon still arrive the next day.
  4. Customer reviews. Ever been in the store, and thought about buying something you’ve never tried before? There’s no way to know if it’s a crappy product or not (certainly the packaging won’t admit as much). When you buy online, you have the power of dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of customer reviews. There is no better tool to help make good buying decisions.

Infant Formula Reviews

Breast milk is the first choice for your infant’s growth and development, but if and when you choose formula, there are a lot of options out there. Here, we review some of the best options for premium, pre-mixed, gentle, and organic baby formulas.

Enfamil baby formula reviews Enfamil Premium Infant Formula

Enfamil’s premium formula with prebiotics provides everything that your baby needs for growth and development. It’s clinically proven to improve brain and eye development, and its “triple guard” supports the immune system too.

  • Provides complete nutrition at every feeding, including proven benefits for brain and eye development.
  • Natural dual-blend of prebiotics feeds the “good bacteria” in your baby’s digestive tract.
  • Includes DHA and ARA
  • This is a 23.4 ounce tub

This formula is for infants 0-12 months of age; Enfamil has other options for older babies.

Similac Premade infant formula Similac Advance Formula with Iron, Ready to Feed

You know those feedings when your baby is screaming and you just can’t get the bottle warmed or mixed fast enough? That’s when these pre-mixed formula bottles are lifesavers! Similac Advance with EarlyShield is similar to Enfamil’s TripleGuard, with a blend of prebiotics, nucleotides and antioxidants that are found naturally in breast milk.

  • Has DHA and ARA, to help support your baby’s brain and eye development
  • Nipple Ready and disposable.
  • Meets kosher guidelines

Perhaps most importantly, there’s no refrigeration required! Keep some in the diaper bag, in the car, in your carry-on luggage, etc. Make sure to pack clean nipples in a plastic bag. I can’t tell you how many times these have saved us by providing quick, ready-to-drink formula.

Gerber gentle baby formula Gerber Good Start Gentle Formula

Some babies have especially sensitive tummies. To reduce spit-ups and digestive discomfort, you can switch to a “gentle” formula like Gerber Good Start. This formula starts with 100% whey proteins that are already broken down, so it’s easier to digest, and then is tailored with all of the vitamins and  minerals that your baby needs.

  • Supports the immune system naturally with a blend of antioxident vitamins A, C, E, and zinc.
  • Gentle formula that’s easier to digest, so good for preemies and the reflux-prone.
  • Gets 4.6 out of 5 stars on

This formula is also eligible for Amazon Subscribe-N-Save, which lets you order it on a regular basis and save 5-15%. Also, keep an eye out for the Amazon coupon which turns up now and then on the product page.


Earth's best organic baby formula Earth’s Best Organic Infant Formula

The leading maker of organic baby food offers this infant formula that’s specially blended without the use of growth hormones, steroids, antibiotics, pesticides or chemical fertilizers. It’s patterned after breast milk: high quality protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids (DHA & ARA).

  • Has a whey/casein ratio that is almost identical to mother’s milk
  • Meets all FDA requirements for infant nutrition
  • Kosher certified and USDA organic
  • Uses organic lactose and organic glucose solids as a carbohydrate source

This formula gets very good reviews on Amazon (>250 of them give it 5/5 stars). It contains no artificial colors or flavors. This is about as natural as you can get outside of breast milk!

Baby Cereal Reviews

Next, let’s talk about cereal. This is generally the first non-liquid food that you’ll give your baby, at around the time that he or she can sit up with support. Your pediatrician may recommend single-grain rice cereal first. It’s smooth, hypo-allergenic, and inexpensive. Once your baby has mastered the single grains, however, you’ll probably want to branch out and let him experience new flavors, new tastes.

If you want to do that, especially if you want to find organic options, check out the Earth’s Best line of baby cereals. Here are two of our favorites.

Earth's Best organic Baby Rice Cereal Earth’s Best Organic Rice Cereal with Apples

This extremely popular mix combines the whole grain organic rice cereal with apples for a naturally sweet and tasty cereal. Your baby might prefer this over plain rice cereal, because the apples give a little flavor to it.Earth’s Best organic cereals are grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides, or genetic engineering. There’s no definitive evidence that these things are harmful to humans, but the less man-made chemicals going into your baby, the better.

  • USDA certified organic
  • Made from whole grains
  • No added salt or sugar
  • Kosher certified
Earth's Best organic Baby Oatmeal Cereal Earth’s Best Organic Oatmeal Cereal with Bananas

Another popular mix combines the Earth’s Best organic oatmeal whole grain cereal with bananas for a tasty mix. The banana flavor doesn’t always mix well with other baby foods, but many infants seem to like it plain. Again, these organic cereals are grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides, or genetic engineering.

  • USDA certified organic
  • Made from whole grains
  • No added salt or sugar
  • Kosher certified


Solid Baby Food Reviews

Last but not least, let’s review the options for solid baby food. There are a million of them. You can go to your grocery store aisle browse the Gerber or Beechnut offerings. As I mention in my guide Six Tips to Starting Solid Food, you can even buy natural applesauce and offer that to your baby.

You can even buy fruits, vegetables, and grains to make your own baby food. But if you’d like more options, to buy in bulk, or to offer organic baby foods, here are some great baby foods available from Amazon.

Earth's Best Baby Food Reviews Fruit Earth’s Best Organic 1st Fruit Starter Kit

This starter kit contains an assortment of three unadulterated fruits: bananas, apples, and pears. These single-ingredient, pureed foods are what you’ll introduce after your baby masters baby cereal. All of the ingredients are certified organic without use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers.

  • Pack of twelve 2.5-ounce jars (30 ounce total) in a sturdy cardboard box
  • Excellent source of vitamin C, as most fruits tend to be.
  • Packaged in a sturdy storage tray that clearly indicates each flavor


Earth's Best Baby Food Reviews Fruit Earth’s Best Organic 2nd Fruit Variety Pack

When your baby is ready for 2nd foods, this variety pack offers some tasty new options. It contains three jars each of four purees: pears, peaches oatmeal banana, apples & apricots, and peaches banana raspberry. Everything’s made from the freshest certified organic materials.

  • Four varieties to offer baby a wider range of tastes and textures.
  • Organic, pesticide-free sources
  • Great source of vitamin C
  • Available in Amazon frustration-free packaging. I love the cardboard box!


Earth's Best Baby Food Reviews Vegetables Earth’s Best 2nd Vegetable Variety Pack

This pack contains four vegetable varieties: carrots, sweet potatoes, winter squash, and peas with brown rice. My guess is that your baby will love the carrots and sweet potatoes most of all, as these have a sweeter taste. Start with this pack to see what your baby will and won’t eat; after that, you can order any single flavor in packs of twelve.

  • 100% certified organic pesticide-free ingredients
  • Good source of vitamin C
  • Frustration-free packaging available
  • No sugar or salt added


Organic baby food pouches Ella’s Kitchen Organic Baby Food Pouches

If you’re on the go and need portable baby foods, or looking for some new flavors to try, look into the line of organic baby food pouches from Ella’s Kitchen. This pack contains twelve pouches of a single blend: sweet potatoes, pumpkin, apples, and blueberries. All very healthy foods, and gently pasteurized so no refrigeration required. You probably won’t find anything like this in your local grocery store.

  • 100% organic fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Shelf-stable (no refrigeration necessary)
  • Convenient pouch form that travels and dispenses easily
  • No additives, not even water, so nothing dilutes the fresh fruit and vegetable goodness of these blends.

Even though our little ones are a bit older, we still rely on these little fruit pouches. They’re perfect for taking in the car, to the zoo, or just to provide a healthy snack that the kids have fun eating.

Just don’t show them how to blow up the empty pouch and stomp on it!

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Best 4-in-1 Convertible Cribs

convertible crib reviewsA baby crib may be the most important piece of furniture you buy for the nursery. It’s often the most visible thing in the room, and hopefully where your baby will spend the most time. It can also be one of the most expensive items, and probably one where you might not want to skimp.

Why 4-in-1 Convertible Cribs?

The most popular (and bestselling) cribs these days are convertible, meaning they can be changed to a bed for when your baby gets older. The majority of these are 4-in-1 convertible cribs, a single piece of furniture that serves as:

  1. Standard crib. A standard 4-sided crib, usually with adjustable mattress heights to accommodate your growing little one. The highest mattress settings are for newborns; the lower settings help prevent them from climbing out as they get bigger.
  2. Toddler bed. The next step is a small bed with rails that still uses the crib mattress, but lets your toddler climb in and out on his own. These open up the room a little bit and most kids just love them.
  3. Day bed. This is probably the least-used option, but you can remove the toddler bed rails and make it a 3-sided day bed (pillows not included) and keep it in the nursery, giving you a place to sit during the day.
  4. Full-size headboard. Last but not least, the 4-in-1 crib usually converts to a headboard/footboard for a full size (double) mattress. I wish this were a twin mattress, which seems like the natural progression, but even our 2-year-old daughter was comfortable in a full.

These options not only save money and storage space, but ensure a consistent look for your baby’s furniture as he or she grows.

Best Convertible Crib Reviews

As with most baby products, there are many choices when it comes to convertible cribs. Here, we compare and review the bestselling 4-in-1 convertible cribs.

delta convertible Crib

Delta Canton 4-in-1 Convertible Crib

Reviews: delta convertible Crib Reviews
Buy this convertible Crib Now
Size: 54.5 x 34.5 x 43.5 inches ; 62 pounds
  • Converts to toddler bed, day bed, and full size
  • 4 different mattress height options
  • Built of solid hardwood, not particle board.
  • JPMA safety certified, non-drop-side design

Crib Review:

Currently the bestelling 4-in-1 convertible crib on Amazon, the Delta Canton is a solid choice. Literally, because it’s made of hardwood and not particle board. This crib is made to grow with your little one: it has 4 different mattress heights, then converts to a toddler bed, after which it’s your choice of day bed or full-size.

Safety is a priority. This crib is certified by the Juvenile Product Manufacturers Association (JPMA), and has a non-drop-side design for superior safety. Assembly takes about an hour, by most reports, and the tools are included.

Baby Mod convertible Crib

Baby Mod Cadence 4-in-1 Convertible Crib

Reviews: Baby Mod convertible Crib Reviews
Buy this convertible Crib Now
Size: 54.5 x 35.0 x 42.0 inches, 70 pounds
  • Made of solid wood: New Zealand pine
  • Mattress spring system with 4 height settings
  • Exceeds all U.S. safety standards; JPMA certified
  • Several non-toxic finishes available

Crib Review:

This is one of the most popular cribs on, as evidenced by the 5 stars with almost 250 reviews. It’s sturdy, made of solid wood (New Zealand pine) and has a non-toxic finish. This is the ebony finish; it also comes in expresso, white, and cherry.

graco convertible Crib

Graco Stanton Convertible Crib

Reviews: graco convertible Crib Reviews
Buy this convertible Crib Now
Size:  53.9 x 32.4 x 43.2 inches ; 46 pounds
  • Convertible from crib to toddler bed to day bed to headboard for full size bed.
  • JPMA, ASTM and CPSC safety certified
  • 3 different mattress positions for the crib
  • Available in cherry, black, or classic white finish

Crib Review:

Here’s a sturdy, stylish crib that you can get for a great price (usually under $150). The Graco Stanton convertible crib features the traditional sleigh design and converts to day bed, toddler bed, or headboard for a full size. In crib form, there are 3 different heights for setting the mattress.

The reviews of this crib are striking; most people give it 5 out of 5 stars, and their comments all sound the same: “We were worried that this crib was going to be cheap, but it turned out to be wonderful. Great value!”

storkcraft 4-in-1 convertible Crib
storkcraft 4-in-1 convertible Crib

Stork Craft Tuscany 4-in-1 Crib

Reviews:  convertible Crib Reviews
Buy this convertible Crib Now
Size:  54.2 x 33 x 43 inches ; 79.8 pounds
  • Solid wood construction with four stationary sides
  • Converts from crib to toddler bed to day bed to full size headboard
  • Meets or exceeds all U.S./Canada safety standards
  • Easy to assemble with permanently attached instructions

Crib Review:

Stork Craft makes wonderful products, emphasizing safety, usability, and style. Their 4-in-1 convertible crib is no exception. It’s made of solid wood and has four stationary sides for an extra-safe design. The finish is durable and non-toxic. I really like the fact that the assembly is easy, and the instructions are permanently attached.

This crib has seven different color options: black, white, natural, oak, expresso, cognac, and cherry. You can virtually find it in a color to fit about any nursery!


Convertible Crib Mattresses

Don’t forget that you’ll also need a mattress for your baby crib! Luckily, all of the convertible cribs here take a “standard” crib mattress, which is about 52 inches long by 27 inches wide. See our article on the best crib mattresses for our recommendations from Kolcraft, Sealy, and Serta.

Other Types of Baby Cribs

If you’re looking for a sturdy but compact crib that doesn’t convert to a bed, check out our mini crib reviews. Looking for something to take on a trip or leave at grandma & grandpa’s house? Have a look out our guide to portable travel cribs.

Handling Baby Sleep Setbacks

Handling baby sleep setbacksFew things are as satisfying as when your baby sleep training efforts pay off. Your little one hits a rhythm: regular naps, falling to sleep on his own, and sleeping through the night. It’s a wondrous time. The first hints of a normal life for you start to emerge. Housework and personal hygiene are possible again. Then, disaster strikes. Your little one suddenly has trouble falling asleep, napping, or resumes waking up in the middle of the night. How could this happen? What should you do?

Handling baby sleep setbacks is probably easier than baby sleep training. Your infant has already shown the ability to sleep through the night. That doesn’t make it less frustrating, though. You’ve had a glimpse of paradise, only to have it ripped away. We’re here to help you get it back. Here’s how.

Start Handling It Soon

You shouldn’t freak out if it happens once. Sometimes babies wake up randomly, but quickly resume their sleep routines.  Two or three nights in a row, however, begin to suggest a real problem. You don’t want to wait too long to address it, or suddenly waking up in the middle of the night could become the new normal.

Identify the Problem

This may be the most difficult part of addressing baby sleep setbacks, but it’s an essential one. First things first, try to determine if your baby is waking up on his own (internal cause) or in response to something (external cause), such as a noise, light, or temperature change. If you use a video baby sleep monitor, you can watch and listen when your baby wakes up. Even if the cause isn’t obvious, make note of the time and manner of your baby waking up.

External Causes of Baby Wake-ups

As I discuss in my article 7 Reasons Your Baby Woke Up Last Night, there are several external things that can wake a baby up unexpectedly, but these are three of the big ones:

  1. Noises. Loud or irregular noises are sometimes enough to wake a baby – maybe it was you or someone else in the house singing, stomping down the hall, slamming a door, or dropping something. Maybe the TV or radio was too loud. It could be outside the house, too — dogs barking, neighbors with loud cars, and lawnmowers have all woken my little ones in the past.
  2. Light. Our boys are especially light-sensitive, such that even a hairline crack in the room-darkening shade lets in enough sunlight to wake them. One sure sign of this is if your baby’s unexpected wake-ups occur at around sunrise, but even bright lights from the hallway under a closed door are enough to wake them.
  3. Temperature. Being too warm or too cold can wake up a baby, so be sure to monitor the temperature in the nursery (especially overnight) and keep it steady. Many baby monitors have temperature readouts to help with this.

Internal Causes of Baby Wake-ups

Often disruptions in a baby’s sleep behavior have a cause that you can’t see. Babies are growing and changing constantly, so what worked last week might not work tonight. Some of the common causes:

  • Hunger. Your baby’s dietary intake is constantly on the rise. Sometimes the amount of food they need makes a sudden, dramatic increase (probably due to a growth spurt).
  • Teething. Next to hunger, teething is my #1 suspect for unexpected wake-ups. Babies’ teeth grow at night, so if your little one is cutting a new tooth, that’s when he’ll suffer the most. See our article on teething babies and sleep for some help on this topic.
  • Illness or infection. Nothing disrupts a baby’s sleep patterns quite like sickness. From common colds to ear infections, illnesses make babies miserable and can easily explain the setback. Getting a sick baby to sleep can be tough, but there are things you can do to help. And soon, hopefully, it will be back to normal.

Why Else is Baby Waking Up?

Sometimes your baby’s newfound sleep problems might not have a clear diagnosis. It could also be a combination of factors (a baby that’s sick and teething is not uncommon). This is okay; it just means you need to revisit your sleep training basics one more time. Be patient, but don’t settle for inaction. Try an extra bowl of baby cereal at bedtime, a perfect warm bath, or a comfy sleep sack. Every little bit helps!

Address the Problem

Maybe you’ve tracked down the problem, or at least have an idea of what could be causing your baby sleep setback. It’s time to take action! Here are some solutions to deploy the next time you put your child to bed.

  • White noise. A good crib soother or sound machine provides the soothing hum of cover noise to help drown out any barking dogs, screaming kids, lawnmowers, or other causes of baby wake-ups.
  • Block out light. Invest in heavy curtains and a room-darkening shade for every window in the nursery. Make sure all the cracks are covered (we use kids’ books or Scotch tape when necessary). Keep the room as dark as possible, and you’ll help your baby sleep longer.
  • Monitor the temperature in the nursery, and dress your baby appropriately for sleep. Use long-sleeve pajamas and a swaddler or sleep sack to provide safe, comfortable warmth overnight.
  • Fill your baby’s tummy before bed. We offer a small bowl of rice baby cereal with the nighttime bottle, and it often helps. See our article on nighttime feeding and sleep for some more advice on this topic.

What Should A Newborn Sleep In?

what should newborn sleep inNewborns sleep eighteen to twenty hours a day. If you’re lucky, that’s 4-5 hours at a time. What should your newborn sleep in to help him sleep longer? The goal should be to keep your baby warm, comfortable, and snug, in the safest way possible. Here are the basics.

Things A Newborn Should Sleep In

There are basically four to six things you should put your newborn in for sleep. Top to bottom, they generally include a set of soft pajamas, a tightly-wrapped swaddler or sleep sack, and possibly a light blanket. Very young newborns might also benefit from a sleep hat to conserve body heat and mittens to prevent scratches during sleep. For safety and sleep training purposes, newborns should also do most of their sleeping in a baby crib or bassinet.

Put Your Newborn in Pajamas

Your newborn should wear a long-sleeve onesie or long-sleeve pajamas. Even though it’s cute, don’t let your baby sleep in just a diaper and blanket. Most babies like to have their hands free, rather than tucked in, and long sleeves are important to keep the arms warm. A zipper or snaps will give you access to the vital diaper area. Pajamas with footies are nice if your baby tends to kick out of blankets. Pajamas will also prevent a chill if you have to unwrap him to change a diaper.

Here are some of our favorites:

Newborn Footie Pajamas Newborn Girl Pajamas Baseball Pajamas for newborn
Newborn Sleep N Play Baby Girl by Carters Baseball Boy Sleep N Play
Here’s a two-pack of 100% cotton, zipper-front-closure pajamas with fitted sleeves and footies to keep baby warm. This onesie has a snap closure and is tag-free for extra comfort. 100% cotton and machine washable. For your little baseball fan, this long-sleeved snap onesie is footed, soft, and tag-free. Machine wash cold.
Little Me Monkey Footie
Newborn Kimono for sleeping
Newborn Bodysuit for sleeping

Swaddle Your Baby

Aden & Anais SwaddleSwaddle your newborn. There is a reason that they swaddle all of the newborns in the hospital nursery. It keeps the babies warm, and imitates the snug comfort of the womb. There are two ways to do this. You can use a regular blanket (Aden & Anais blankets are ideal) and learn the swaddling technique. Or, you can take a shortcut and use a velcro swaddler. These are easy to use and keep your baby snugged up tight, even if he or she tends to move around.

Has your baby outgrown the swaddle? If so, check out our review of baby sleep sacks and sleeping bags for some zippered sleepwear that they won’t kick out of.

Baby Hat

Put a soft cap or baby hat on the head, if your infant will take it. This extra little step helps newborns with little or no hair stay warm. The hat should be a soft, breathable material. Make sure it doesn’t go down over your baby’s eyes. If it falls off during sleep, that’s okay. Some infants just don’t tolerate these, but if your baby does, it’s a good way to keep him warm at night. Here are three great options:

Zutano newborn hat Lovedbaby hat Minnie hat
Zutano Infant Fleece Hat L’ovedbaby Cute Cap Trumpette Minnie Hat
This unisex fleece hat has an interlock band for an extra warm fit and little teddy bear ears at the top for extra cuteness. This very popular hat from L’ovedbaby is 100% cotton, super-soft, form-fitting, and comes in a wide variety of colors. Is this not the cutest little Minnie Mouse hat you’ve ever seen? It’s Disney licensed and made of a quality knit.
Zutano hat reviews
Lovedbaby hat reviews
Minnie hat reviews

Newborn mittens to sleep

Mittens To Prevent Scratching

One thing that continues to surprise me is how fast baby fingernails grow. It probably has something to do with their diet of 100% milk plus vitamins. Clipping your baby’s fingernails is an exercise in courage and takes nerves of steel. When your little one gets a little older and can grab at things, you’ll know their nails are long because they’ll scratch you.

In the meantime, if you start finding scratches on your baby’s face or head, it was probably self-inflicted while he or she was sleeping. Until you have the time and bravery to trim them, a set of soft little sleep mittens will prevent any more scratches. These are inexpensive and often come in packs of four, which is good because they’re easily lost (in the crib or laundry).

Offer A Light Blanket

Optionally, offer a light blanket. My boys (7 months) like to have a light, soft blanket against their face when they fall asleep. Technically, this isn’t recommended in the APA baby safe sleeping guidelines, but you might try offering one if your baby seems uncomfortable or has trouble soothing himself.

Use a lightweight, breathable blanket such as the fantastic Aden+Anais muslin blankets, Tuck the loose ends under the baby securely so that he can’t pull it up over his face.

Baby Should Sleep in the Crib

Another point that I should mention here is that your newborn baby should sleep in his or her crib in his or her room (unless you have a bassinet installed in your own room). You should establish this bedtime habit early, when newborns are biologically programmed to fall asleep right after eating. Feed your baby, burp him, rock for a few minutes (if desired), and put him to bed in the crib. If your baby won’t sleep in the crib, see our article on getting baby to sleep in the crib.

Mini crib reviews

Mini Crib for Newborn

Looking for a crib that also becomes a toddler bed, day bed, and full-size headboard? Check out our guide to the best 4-in-1 convertible cribs.

Even though it’s fun and sometimes convenient, your newborn shouldn’t sleep in bed with you. Not only is it a bad practice, it’s unsafe. A significant number of infants die each year sleeping in bed with their parents. Even without you in it, an adult bed is generally unsafe for a newborn – it has no rails, is high from the floor, and has pillows and loose blankets that present suffocation hazards. For more, see the latest baby sleep safety guidelines.

It’s safer, and probably easier, to let your baby sleep in a mini crib or bassinet next to your bed. See our mini crib reviews for some recommendations.

If you’re planning to take a trip with your baby, don’t forget all of the necessary sleep items! Nothing is worse than getting to the hotel room and realizing that you forgot that critical pacifier or blanket or sound machine. Our travel crib reviews compare some portable cribs and bassinets that you can take along with you.

What To Read Next

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Baby Sleep Sacks and Sleeping Bags Choosing Night Light for Baby Best baby pacifiers Get baby to sleep through the night
Learn about the benefits and bestsellers of baby sleep sacks and sleeping bags. Projection Night Lights keep your baby entertained while in the crib and help soothe him back to sleep. Best Baby Pacifiers has our recommendations for newborns, older babies, and teething infants. Visit our sleep training section for strategies and tips for teaching your baby to sleep through the night.

10 Healthy Homemade Baby Food Ideas

10 baby food ideasMaking your own baby food offers a number of advantages. It saves money and shopping time. Making baby food can be messy, but it’s lots of fun. Most importantly, homemade baby food can be super-healthy. There are so many fruits, vegetables, and grains that babies can have in their first year of life, many of which aren’t found in common store-bought baby food. Here,

Healthy Homemade Baby Foods

Here are my top ten favorite sources for homemade baby foods. All of these are healthy in terms of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other nutrients. When possible, I have a link to the nutritional information page for these vegetables, grains, and fruits. Have a look, get yourself a blender/steamer (read our baby food grinder reviews), and start making your own baby food today!

Avocado Baby Food

1. Avocado

Did you know that avocados take a full 2 years to grow before they’re harvested? They’re worth the wait, though. A favorite food in the household, avocados make for a creamy, bright-colored baby food that’s sure to be a hit. It’s a natural source of folate, vitamin K, and other nutrients.

They also provide monounsaturated fats and, in my opinion, are quite yummy. Use ripe, unbruised avocados and serve fresh for the best results.

Winter Squash Baby Food

2. Squash

Once, when our daughter had started solid foods, I obtained a 20-pound winter squash at a farmer’s market. It made a huge quantity of delightfully bright orange baby food that she ate all winter long. Winter squash is a vitamin A superfood! It’s easy to grow and inexpensive with a mild, sweet taste similar to sweet potato.

Sweet Potatoes Baby Food

3. Sweet Potatoes

I knew that sweet potatoes, or yams, were a good choice for baby food because of the sweet taste, but I was surprised to learn how healthy they are. With the skin on, sweet potatoes provide 438% of daily vitamin A and 37% of vitamin C. They’re inexpensive, easy to cook and puree.

Babies love the bright color, smooth consistency, and of course the sweet taste of yams.

Pumpkin Homemade Baby Food

4. Pumpkin

The jack-o-lantern isn’t just for Halloween. Pumpkin makes a great baby food. Dark orange vegetables like carrots and pumpkins are loaded with Vitamin A & many other important nutrients. Canned pumpkin makes baby food making super-convenient, and will warm your baby up for future treats like pumpkin bread.

Sweet Peas Baby Food

5. Sweet Peas

Peas are a great example of baby food that’s SO much better when you make it at home. One cup of peas provides calcium, Vitamin A and C and Iron; it has more protein than a tablespoon of peanut butter (which you can’t give baby for a couple of years anyway).

Fresh peas are best, followed by frozen peas, but you can even used canned peas to make your own baby food. When they’re older, your babies will enjoy eating them as finger foods / throwing them down from the high chair.

Whole grain Oatmeal Baby Food

6. Whole-grain Oatmeal

If there’s one solid food that seems to help babies sleep better at night, it’s single-grain cereal. Most pediatricians recommend starting with rice because it’s the least allergenic, but oatmeal is usually #2. Whole-grain oatmeal is an excellent source of fiber and a great choice for thickening normally-runny homemade baby foods like sweet potatoes and carrots.

Plus, you can buy whole-grain oatmeal from Amazon on the cheap. Another reason to try it!

Barley Homemade Baby Food

7. Barley

I wanted to feature a second grain on this list, and I chose barley because it’s not what you think of first when it comes to baby food. You want a serious whole grain to thicken baby food? This one’s for you. It’s naturally rich in dietary fiber, particularly soluble fiber which was shown in clinical trials helps fight diabetes.

Unlike some grains, barley has fiber throughout the kernel, so removing the husk doesn’t remove all of the nutritional value. Another great thing you can buy from Amazon.

Sweet Corn Baby Food

8. Sweet Corn

How could I forget America’s favorite crop? Sweet corn is another baby favorite in our house; I’m surprised it’s not used in more baby foods. One cup of corn contains 51% of your daily fiber and 37% of your daily vitamin C. It’s tasty on its own as well as blended with a stewed meat such as chicken.

Mango Baby Food

9. Mango

The mango is a great fruit for making homemade baby food because it’s not over-the-top sweet. Sure, it has sugar as all fruits do, but it’s naturally free of fat, sodium, and cholesterol. One cup of mango has 20 different vitamins and minerals, most notably vitamin C (100% DV) and vitamin A (35% DV).

It’s a “creamy” consistency so ideal for blending, and available year-round.

Plums Homemade Baby Food

10. Plums or Prunes

Last but not least, I put one of the healthiest but under-used fruits for making your own baby food at home: plums. You can get these fresh plums in the summer and fall, and dried plums (prunes) you can get year-round.

Prunes are especially nutrient-rich; one cup has 3 grams of fiber, 293 mg of potassium, and 16 mg of magnesium, all for less than 100 calories.

5 Reasons To Make Your Own Baby Food

Baby food maker reviews

Best baby food makers

With those ten yummy reasons above, you probably don’t need any more motivation to start making your own baby food. But if you need one last push, consider these things:

  1. It’s easy to do. No special cooking skills are required to make most baby foods. Some (like corn, peas, squash, and pumpkin) you just need to steam or boil. Then you puree in a blender. We’ve reviewed baby food makers that help you do both. 
  2. Save money. You’ll be surprised at how much food you get (especially from larger vegetables like squash and pumpkin), and it really saves money compared to buying baby food in the store.
  3. Go green. One thing I hate about buying baby food is the packaging — the jars or plastic tubs, cardboard boxes, etc, — and when you make your own food, you avoid all of that.
  4. Super health kick. When you choose what your baby eats, you not only know what it all is, but get to choose the healthiest of foods (like the ones above) and that’s a very good thing.
  5. Fun family activity. When you start making your own baby food, it becomes lots of fun. Something the whole family can enjoy. Try it and you’ll see.

Pram Stroller Reviews

Pram stroller reviewsWhen we were new parents, we had no idea what we needed in a baby stroller. Sure, we wanted one that folded up to be compact, but beyond that, we had no idea which features were important. It turns out that baby prams and strollers are a grass-is-greener type of baby gear: you always want the model that you don’t have. To help you make the right decision, we’ve assembled this guide which includes reviews of some of the best baby strollers. All of these are strollers for single babies; visit the Best of Twins website’s twin or double stroller reviews if you’re looking for a double stroller.

For pram and stroller reviews, we break it down in to these classes:
Light-weight/Umbrella Strollers
Pram Style Strollers
Stroller Travel Systems

Light-weight/Umbrella Strollers

Light-weight strollers, especially umbrella strollers, are designed to be compact. They forego some stroller features to save space and weight; in the United States, umbrella-type strollers are sometimes the only kind you can take on the airplane. They’re also advantageous if you have a small car or want to save space in the home or garage.

Contours Lite Stroller Contours Light Stroller
Contours Light Stroller
Reviews: Baby
Buy this  Now
  • 6″ front single swivel and 8″ rear wheels
  • Multi-position reclining seat
  • 5-point harness with strap cover sleeves
  • 3-tier adjustable canopy

Baby Stroller Review:

This is a sleek, light-weight stroller with a contemporary look. The 6″ front and 8″ rear single wheels provide low-resistance strolling. It’s also designed so that you can maneuver it with one-hand, which is useful if you have a grocery cart or another child in tow. And it folds with one hand, too.

The aluminum frame is strong, modern-looking, and keeps this stroller light enough that you can throw it into the trunk or airplane.

There are some “baby comfort” features built in as well: a reclining seat with multiple positions, soft sleeve covers for the 5-point harness, and an adjustable canopy to keep out the sun, rain, and nosy strangers.

Save 46% When You Buy at Amazon

Inglesina Swift 2012 Stroller Inglesina Swift Stroller
Inglesina Swift Stroller
Reviews: Baby
Buy this  Now
  • Ergonomic soft-touch handles for easy maneuverability
  • Reclining, four-position backrest
  • Easy umbrella fold and carry handle
  • Roomy storage basket

Baby Stroller Review:

The 2012 Inglesina Swift stroller is a sporty and lightweight umbrella stroller. It folds into a compact shape with convenient carry handle, and the whole thing (including canopy) weighs 13 pounds.

One important change made in the 2012 model is an extended canopy system, for better protection from the sun and rain. Also, there’s a roomy basket that matches the color of the seat and provides a surprising amount of cargo space.

The ergonomic soft-touch handles allow for easy maneuverability, and the stroller itself is nicely padded. There are four different recline positions so you can find one that’s right for your baby.

On the plus side, it folds up to be quite compact. On the minus side, if you have an “oversized” baby or toddler, this model’s probably not going to be comfortable for long periods. If not, however, this is as compact and stylish of an umbrella stroller as I’ve seen.

Currently $10 off List at Amazon

Pram Strollers

Pram strollers are the “classic” style of baby stroller – the basic design has been around over a hundred years. Today, pram strollers maintain that style with state-of-the-art features, like detachable carriers, comfortable suspensions, and rain covers.

Roan Rocco Classic Pram Stroller Roan Rocco Pram Stroller
Reviews: Pram Stroller Reviews
Buy this  Now
  • Classic pram with bassinet and front/rear facing seat
  • Comfortable suspension and air-pumped wheels
  • Height-adjustable handle
  • Adjustable backrest and footrest
  • Rain cover and mosquito net included

Baby Stroller Review:

The Roan Rocco is a classic pram stroller suitable for multi terrain strolling. It has the traditional look of a pram, married to a modern suspension and inflated wheels for maximum comfort.

Everything’s adjustable, from the height-adjustable handle bar (about 27.5 in – 43 in) to the 3-point backrest and adjustable footrest.

The bassinet has convenient carry handles, a padded mattress, and a 5-point safety harness.

Currently 35% off at Amazon

UPPAbaby Vista Pram Stroller UppaBaby Vista Pram Stroller
UppaBaby Vista Pram Stroller
Reviews: Pram Stroller Reviews
Buy this  Now
  • Welded and formed aluminum alloy frame
  • Reversible seat with 3 position adjustment
  • Sun and weather-shield with easy zip attachment to canopy
  • Rubber coated tires never go flat
  • Shock absorbing front and rear suspension

Baby Stroller Review:

The UPPAbaby Vista Pram Stroller is a pram and portable bassinet all in one. Both are interchangeable with no fabric swapping. This thing is well-built: welded aluminum alloy frame, high performance aluminum spoke wheels, and a shock-absorbing front and rear suspension.

I really like the weather protection features. There’s a sun and weather shield that attaches to the canopy with 50 SPF sun protection. The rubber coated tires never go flat.

The bassinet is made of all natural cotton and organic soybean fibers.

Save $100 on this pram at Amazon 

Stroller Travel Systems

Travel systems are a somewhat recent innovation in baby gear: car seats that become full-sized strollers. These are handy for a few reasons:

  • They save space, as you don’t need a bulky stroller in the car. All you need is the wheeled base.
  • Your baby stays in the car seat, which snaps into a stroller base. Critical if your baby’s already asleep!
  • Car seats make for especially safe stroller seats.
  • The car seat, base, and stroller base are included, so everything fits nicely together.
Chicco Cortina Keyfit 30 Travel System Chicco Travel System Stroller
Chicco Travel System Stroller
Reviews: Stroller Travel System Reviews
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  • Multi-position “Memory Recline” seat
  • 3-position leg rest and flat recline
  • Linked one touch rear brakes and all-wheel suspension
  • Reversible laminated canopy
  • Large seat with room for infants up to 30 pounds

Travel System Review:

One of the top-selling travel systems on Amazon is the Chicco Cortina Keyfit 30. This thing is stylish, and safety-oriented too. The interior is lined with “EPS” energy absorbing foam for improved impact protection. A newborn insert is included for infants from 4-11 pounds.

Here’s something to love about this travel system: With one hand, you can remove it from the car, remove it from the stroller base, adjust the 5-point harness, and fold the stroller base to stash in the car. So you can hold a baby or a bag of groceries while doing all of it.

Comfort is another strength: the “memory recline” seat remembers the last position the seat was in when the stroller was folded, the leg rest has 3 positions, and the laminated canopy is fully reversible. That’s key for blocking out the bright early morning or late afternoon sun.

A couple of convenience features merit mentioning as well: a tray for both parent and child, cup holders, ergonomic carrying handle, and an accessible shopping basket. The brakes are a “one touch” system so you don’t have to set/unseat each rear wheel separately.

Also, the Keyfit 30 base has a unique “single pull” latch adjustment to make car installation much easier. All in all, there’s a lot to like and it’s obvious why the Chicco Cortina travel system is a bestseller.

Save 16% when you buy it on Amazon

Britax B-Agile Travel System Britax Travel System Stroller
Britax Travel System Stroller
Reviews: Stroller Travel System Reviews
Buy this  Now
  • Lightweight aluminum frame
  • Tangle-free 5-point harness
  • Energy-absorbing foam liner
  • 3-wheel stroller base
  • Side impact protection

Travel System Review:

I saved the best for last: currently the #1 bestselling travel system on Amazon is the Britax B-Safe/B-Agile Travel System stroller. This is a lightweight, compact stroller featuring a one-hand, quick-fold design with an automatic chassis lock. The padded, supportive seat features a 5-point harness system with head pad that is adjustable without having to rethread or unhook any straps.

Safety is a priority in the design. The side impact protection distributes crash forces, shields from vehicle intrusion and contains the baby’s head and body in the event of a crash.

I love the canopy on this travel system. It’s extra-large and has mesh ventilation so that you can see your baby while pushing it. The comfort-ride suspension keeps your comfortable on uneven terrain, and the 3-wheel design makes this stroller uniquely maneuverable.

The stroller base is even compatible with other car seats if you get the car seat adapter.

Currently 18% off When You Buy Here

Top Baby Sleep Articles of 2012

baby sleeping articles

Make this your New Year’s resolution

It’s a new year, and the perfect time to take some steps to improve your baby’s sleep habits. Wouldn’t you like to see your baby sleeping through the night this year, or taking more regular naps, or going to bed without a fuss?

If that’s one of your New Year’s resolutions, check out our 10 most popular baby sleep training articles from 2012:

Our 10 Most-Read Baby Sleep Training Articles

  1. 8 Baby Sleep Habits to Avoid – Our most popular article of all time covers some of the “bad practices” – convenient habits now that eventually cause problems with getting babies to sleep through the night consistently.
  2. 21 Baby Sleep Tips – A collection of our favorite tips for establishing healthy baby sleep habits, from daytime preparation and setting up the nursery to dressing your little one for bed and handling common sleep problems.
  3. Get Baby to Sleep Through the Night – Our comprehensive guide, designed for parents of infants 3 months and older who want to help their babies learn to sleep through the night consistently.
  4. Benefits of an Early Bedtime – This article covers one of the most surprising and effective practices for baby sleep training, implementing an early bedtime, and how it encourages little ones to sleep through the night.
  5. Handling Baby Sleep Problems – Help for the many common sleep problems that keep babies (and their parents) from getting a good night’s sleep.
  6. Why Baby Won’t Sleep That’s the million dollar question, isn’t it? Here we go through common reasons that babies refuse to fall asleep or stay asleep through the night.
  7. One Week to Better Baby Sleep Habits A complete program to wean your baby from that middle-of-the-night feeding in just seven days.
  8. Nighttime Feeding and Sleep – There’s an important connection between evening and nighttime feedings and how long a baby sleeps at night. Here we tell you how to capitalize on it.
  9. 5 Things To Do When Gas Keeps Your Baby Awake – When babies have trouble falling asleep or wake up due to digestive discomfort, gas is often the culprit. Here are five things to do for it.
  10. Get Baby to Sleep in the Crib – Though an essential habit for babies learning to fall asleep on their own and sleep safely, getting a baby to sleep in the crib isn’t always easy. Here’s how and why you should encourage it.

Top Product Reviews of 2012

As reluctant as I am to admit it, sometimes you can solve a baby sleep problem by throwing money at it. For that reason we’ve gone out and reviewed a number of baby products to find those with the features (and customer ratings) that we love. Here were the most-read product reviews on our site last year:

Best Baby pacifier reviews #1. Best Baby Pacifiers
Our guide to the best baby pacifiers for newborns and teething babies.
Wireless Video Monitor Reviews #2. Wireless Video Monitor Reviews
Reviews of the latest video wireless baby monitors. One even transmits to your iPhone!
Choosing Night Light for Baby #3. Projection Night Lights
Keep your baby entertained while in the crib and help soothe him back to sleep.
Mini Crib Reviews #4. Mini Crib Reviews
Our detailed comparisons of bassinets and mini cribs for snug, safe sleeping.
Baby Ergo Carrier Reviews #5. Baby Carrier Reviews
The best of Baby Bjorn, Chicco, Ergo baby, and other hands-free baby carriers.